Friday, February 23, 2018

Bean and Kale Soup

This hearty soup recipe is a classic Italian dish more popularly known as ribollita, which literally  means “reboiled.”
  • 1 pound dried cannellini beans
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 large onion, minced
  • 2 large garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh sage
  • 2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary
  • 7 cups chicken stock
  • 1/3 pound kale, ribs removed, coarsely chopped Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  1. Soak beans overnight in water to cover generously; drain.
  2.  Heat two tablespoons oil in a large pot over moderate heat. 
  3. Add onion and sauté until soft, about five minutes. Add garlic, sage, and rosemary and sauté for one minute. Add beans and stock.
  4.  Bring to a simmer, cover and adjust heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Cook until beans are almost tender, about one hour.
  5.  Add kale. Cover and continue cooking at a gentle simmer until beans and vegetables  are tender, about 20 minutes more. Add a little water if soup gets too thick.
  6. Remove pot from heat. With a wooden  spoon, mash some of the beans against the side  of the pot until soup is as thick as you like. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Techniques to Maximize Food Absorption: Juicing and Fermentation

Aside from ensuring that you only consume safe and healthy organic produce, I also recommend taking extra measures to maximize all the nutrients that you get from these superfoods.

The Benefits of Juicing

One way of doing this is by juicing the produce instead of cooking them. I believe that  raw juice  is like a “living broth,”  as it is teeming with micronutrients that many people simply do not get from their diet. When you drink raw juice, it’s like  receiving an intravenous infusion of antioxidants, vitamins,  minerals, and enzymes, as they are directly absorbed by  your body without having to be broken down.
Here are some of the benefits of juicing:
  •  It lets you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables.
  •  It helps you consume a healthier amount of fresh produce in an efficient manner,  assuring you that you reach your daily target of fruits and vegetables.
  • You can add a wider variety of vegetables in your diet – including those that you may  not enjoy eating whole.
Juicing is simply one of the easiest health strategies that you can add to your daily routine, and  will help you get a better immune system, improved energy and brain health, and even support  for weight management.

Why You Should Ferment Your Vegetables 

Just like juicing,  fermentation also lets you maximize the  nutrients found in your favorite superfoods. In fact, I consider  fermented vegetables  – as well as other cultured foods like yogurt, kefir, and natto  – as the ultimate superfood. They are  potent chelators (detoxifiers) that help break down toxins and heavy metals from your body. They also contain higher levels of probiotics that can not only optimize your gut flora, but also provide a number of incredible functions in your body, such as:
  •  Better mineral absorption
  •  Preventing diabetes and obesity by regulating dietary fat absorption
  • Lowering  your risk of cancer and other diseases
  •  Improving your mood and mental health
  •  Preventing  acne
A warning: if you’ve never eaten fermented foods in your life, you may experience a “healing crisis,” which occurs when the pathogens in your body are eliminated by the healthy bacteria. The pathogens release potent toxins, which may lead to unpleasant symptoms. So if you’re starting out, introduce cultured foods into your meals gradually, starting with a teaspoon of fermented veggies per meal.
Observe your reactions for a couple of days before proceeding  with another small serving, and increase your portions gradually, as tolerated

Buying Organic Superfoods Is Key to Safe Food Consumption

With the proliferation of pesticide- loaded and genetically engineered foods today, it’s absolutely important for you to  be very wary of selecting foods for you and your family.

I advise you to choose wholesome organic foods that are  traditionally cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides. Not only will it support your wellbeing, but it will  also prevent the environment from harmful pollutants.

You can start by shopping in your local farmers markets or food co-ops. Here are some great resources to help you out:
  • Local Harvest – This site will help you find farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area where you can buy produce, grass -fed meats, and other products
  • Eat Well Guide: Wherever you are, Eat Well – This is a free online directory of more than 25,000 restaurants, farms, stores, farmers' markets, CSAs, and other sources of local, sustainably produced food throug hout the US.
  • FoodRoutes – Check out their interactive "Find Good Food" map to help you connect with local farmers so you can find the freshest, tastiest food possible. The map can also give you a listing of local farmers, CSAs, and markets near you.
Or better yet:  grow your own food! If you truly want to be assured of consuming only the
healthiest foods, then I suggest you start your own organic garden.

Most Conventional Crops Are Now Genetically Engineered

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are crops produced via genetic engineering. The genetic makeup of these “specialized crops” has been altered to induce a variety of uniquetraits, such as making them “drought- or pest -resistant,” or fortifying them with “more nutrients.” 

Today, up to 85 percent of U.S. corn, 88 percent of cotton,  and 91 percent of soybeans are genetically modified. It is  also estimated that at least 80 percent of processed foods now contain genetically engineered ingredients. Genetic engineering has been deemed safe and beneficial by GE  proponents, mainly by biotech companies like Monsanto.

Sadly, nothing can be further from the truth.   

Not only is genetic engineering a power -hungry technology that severely harms the environment, but it also has potentially damaging effects on your wellbeing. For example, in one review of GMOs, which consists of an analysis of 19 animal studies, nearly 10 percent of
Superfoods: Supercharge Your Health and Nutrition Naturally                                                           blood, urine, organ and other parameters were significantly influenced by GMOs, with the most  damage seen on the liver and kidneys.

Sadly, food regulators such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) do not conduct any test on the safety of GMOs on human health. But the truth cannot be denied: the potentially damaging health effects of GMOs are now starting to become evident.

 So when shopping for any of the healthy foods, make sure that you choose  those varieties that are not, in any way, genetically modified.  

Thursday, February 22, 2018

7 Equally Healthy But Lesser -Known Superfoods

If you want to try something new, you can satisfy your palate with these less -popular but equally nutritious superfoods featured in  Time magazine:

1.  Limequat . A cross between lime and kumquat,  limequats are in season between July and November,  and contain plenty of fiber and vitamin C. Like the kumquat, they have an edible rind, so it's a good  choice for spicing up dishes with a citrusy flavor.

2.  Pomelo.  Yet another member of the citrus family that  is typically overlooked, pomelos look a bit like over - sized grapefruits, and the taste is similar too, although pomelos tend to be sweeter. The significant vitamin C content in pomelo acts as an antioxidant that helps slow down aging. The rich  supply of key nutrients in pomelo, such as potassium, dietary fiber, and magnesium, also helps:
  •  Prevent osteoporosis and bone weakness
  •  Fight microbial, viral, and bacterial infections
  • Eliminate constipation and diarrhea
  • Reduce risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes
  •  Increases blood circulation and oxygenation of organs 
3.  Hubbard Squash . A winter produce, Hubbard squash come with loads of  nutrients, including  vitamins A, C, E and K, potassium, folic acid, iron,  lutein, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus,  zeaxanthin, and plant -based omega- 3. It’s best  enjoyed roasted and with kale, or added into a steaming pot of stew. Superfoods: Supercharge Your Health and Nutrition Naturally                                                                     

4.  Teff.  A tiny North African cereal grass grain, teff has been a staple of traditional  Ethiopian cooking for thousands of years. Apart from being naturally gluten- free, here are a some more reasons why teff should be a part of your everyday diet:
  • It helps manage blood sugar
  •  It helps regulate your bowel movement
  • It is low in sodium
  • It is rich in calcium, manganese, iron, fiber,  protein, B vitamins, zinc, and all eight essential amino acids
 Including teff into your everyday meals is easy -peasy, since it has a mild, nutty flavor  that lends itself well to a variety of dishes, including stews, pilaf, and baked goods. You  could also use it as a salad topping.

5.  Fenugreek.
Its curry -scented leaves are edible and are often used as an ingredient in  authentic Indian cuisine, while its seeds are used as a flavorful spice. Fenugreek seeds  are rich in minerals like iron, potassium, calcium, fiber, choline, and can be sprouted for  an added health kick as well.  Over the years, fenugreek has also been the focus of  several studies concerning the treatment of diabetes  and the prevention of breast cancer. But traditionally,  fenugreek has been valued for its medicinal uses for:
  •  Digestive problems
  •  Constipation
  •  Gastritis
  • Bronchitis
  • Sore throat
  •  Diabetes
  • Ulcer

6.  Purslane.  Purslane is a lemon- flavored edible weed  that is popular in both Greek and Mexican cooking. Some compare its taste to watercress or spinach. It's rich in plant -based omega- 3 fats, vitamins C and E,  and pectin. Young leaves  and tender stem tips are generally preferred in terms of flavor and crunch, and  make a tasty addition to salads and sandwiches. Superfoods: Supercharge Your Health and Nutrition Naturally                                                                     

7.  Celeriac.
Also known as turnip- rooted celery or celery root, celeriac is a root vegetable  with a taste that resembles conventional celery. Celeriac is high in vitamins B6, C, and  K, along with potassium, and magnesium. It is also proven to help aid in:
  •  Improving bone health
  •  Enhancing brain function
  •  Fighting damaging free radicals
  •  Maintaining a healthy blood pressure level
  •  Preventing cancer
You can eat celeriac either raw or cooked.  Time magazine, on the other hand, suggests grating a little  celeriac onto your  salad, along with beets, apples, and walnuts, for an added punch

Best and Worst Foods to Eat if You’re Trying to Lose Weight

The information below will help you understand what foods to eat and which to avoid to help you reach your weight loss goals.

TYPE: Meats:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Bass, Calamari, Clams, Crabmeat, Catfish, Cod, Cornish hen, Flounder, Haddock, Halibut, Herring, Lobster, Oysters, Sardines, Scallops, Shrimp, Skinless Chicken, Turkey breast, Sole, Tilapia, Trout, Tuna, Turkey bacon, Wild Salmon

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Bacon, Beef jerky, High fat meats like Prime rib, Porterhouse, Hot dogs, Pepperoni, Salami, Sausage

TYPE: Veggies:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): All dark greens, Asparagus, Avocados, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers, Collards, Garlic, Green Beans, Kale, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Olives, Onions, Parsley, Peas, Radishes, Red Peppers, Squashes, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Yams, Zucchini

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): All vegetables are generally good for you; however if you’re trying to lose weight, try to avoid eating white potatoes, red potatoes, corn, and plantains

TYPE: Fruits:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): In general, all fruits are healthy for you. However, if you’re trying to lose weight (or are diabetic), the best fruits to eat are low-sugar fruits, which include Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Grapefruits, Lemons, Limes, Passion Fruit, Raspberries, Strawberries

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Canned fruits, dried fruits, and fruit snacks

TYPE: Grains (breads, pasta, rice):

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Barley, Brown rice, Bulgur, Buckwheat, Coconut Flour, Oats (steel-cut oats), Quinoa, Wild rice

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Bagels, Donuts, White rice, White pasta, White bread, White flour

TYPE: Beans/Legumes:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Black-eye peas, Black beans, Butter beans, Fava beans, Garbanzo beans /Chickpeas, Green beans Kidney beans, Peas, Lentils, Lima beans, Navy beans /Pinto beans, White beans

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Dried beans, Refried beans

TYPE: Dairy:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Egg whites, Eggs, Almond milk, Coconut milk, Goat’s milk, Hemp milk, Oat Milk, Rice Milk, Non-dairy butter (vegan butter)

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Regular (full-fat) Cow’s milk, Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Cream Cheese, and Sour Cream; Condensed milk, Powdered milk, Powered eggs, Yogurt with fruit on the bottom

TYPE: Nuts and Seeds:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Raw and Unsalted Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Cedar nuts, Hazelnuts, Macadamia nuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios, Walnuts; Seeds: Chia seeds, Flaxseeds, Hemp seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds. The next best are roasted and unsalted nuts and seeds.

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Sugar-coated nuts and seeds

TYPE: Oils:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Avocado oil, Coconut oil, Extra-virgin Olive oil, Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, Sesame oil

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Bacon fat, Chicken fat, Margarine, Hydrogenated oils (trans fats), Vegetable oils

TYPE: Sweeteners:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Listed in order of the best sweetener if you want to lose weight: Stevia, Monk fruit, Xylitol, Agave nectar, Raw honey, Coconut palm sugar, Sugar alcohol

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): White sugar, High-fructose corn syrup, Brown rice syrup, Brown sugar, Dextrose, Fruit juice concentrate, Raw sugar

TYPE: Spices & Seasonings:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Apple cider vinegar, Black pepper, Cardamom, Cayenne pepper, Chili peppers, Cilantro, Cinnamon, Ginger, Parsley, Garlic, Nutmeg, Onion, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Saffron, Tamari, Thyme, Turmeric

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Ketchup, Mayonnaise, MSG, Table salt, Worcestershire sauce

TYPE: Snacks:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Popcorn (lightly salted), Unsweetened peanut/cashew/almond butter, Organic unsweetened chocolate, Nuts and seeds, Hard-boiled eggs, Plain yogurt, Trail mix

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Candy, Pies, Corn chips, Cookies, Donuts, Cakes, Ice cream, Pastries, Potato chips

TYPE: Beverages:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Distilled or Spring water, Alkaline water, Coconut water, Fresh-squeezed juices, Green tea, Black tea, Mint tea/Other Herbal teas

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Sodas, Sports Drinks, Store-bought fruit juices, Mixed drinks, Beer

TYPE: Cooking Methods:

FOODS TO EAT (support weight loss): Baking, Broiling, Grilling, Poaching, Pressure cooking, Roasting, Sautéing, Steaming, Stir frying

FOODS TO AVOID (cause weight gain): Barbequing, Blackening, Burning or Charring, Deep frying, Pan frying

Weight Loss Tips: Weight Loss the Healthy, Natural Way

Eat a big salad daily.  Include dark leafy greens and lots of colorful vegetables every single day.

Drink at least one green smoothie daily. This along with the salad will really add a lot of nutrition to your body and will stave off unhealthy cravings. You can add some protein, flaxseeds, spirulina, coconut oil, and bee pollen to it for an extra health boost.

Choose nutrient-rich foods, not empty calories. Eat foods high in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. Junk foods contain only nutritionally empty calories. You want your calories to provide you with nutritional benefits that will help you heal your body and maintain a permanently healthy weight.

 Eat protein with every meal.  Eat the protein before the carbohydrates or fats. You can also eat protein by itself. Protein-rich foods do not cause insulin spikes, and so are important clean and balanced foods. Whenever you eat a carbohydrate, eat some protein along with it. As a general guideline, the protein should be about half the amount of the carbohydrates. For example, if you have 30 grams of carbohydrates, then eat about 15 grams of protein along with it to prevent insulin spikes that cause excess fat to be stored in the body.

Avoid sugar, salt, and trans fat.  These are the top three ingredients that cause weight gain. Try to avoid them at all costs. They have no nutritional value and are simply bad for your health. Salt causes bloating, swelling, and fluid retention. The good news on trans fat is that the FDA regulates it, and food manufacturers now have to list how much is in each serving when trans fat exceeds 0.5 grams per serving.

 Limit red meat to two or three times per week. Red meat contains a lot of saturated fat, so try to limit your intake to two or three times a week. Instead, eat more protein from fish, poultry, and vegetables, such as brown rice, beans, and nuts, which contain good essential fats.

Eat at least 30 grams of fiber per day. Numerous studies have shown that high- fiber diets help you lose weight and protect against heart disease, stroke, and certain kinds of cancer.

Eat four to five times a day. You will lose weight more quickly if you eat four or five times a day as opposed to only three times. Try to eat every three to four hours and think in terms of three meals and two healthy snacks. Each time you eat, you stimulate your metabolism for a short period of time; thus, the more often you eat, the more you speed up your metabolism. Eating every two to three hours feeds your muscles and starves fat.

Buy organic as much as possible . Buy organic foods, which don’t have chemical preservatives, food additives, hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics. Fresh organic foods are far less toxic than highly processed and packaged/frozen foods and leave less residue and waste in the body.

Drink more pure water . Water does an amazing job of detoxifying your body. The trick though is to not drink water with your meals. This will dilute your digestive juices and make digestion less efficient. Do not drink anything thirty minutes before you eat a meal, and then wait two hours after a meal to have a drink. It is amazing how much energy you will get from doing this. Also, sometimes thirst is disguised as hunger. So there is a good chance that when you drink water, that hungry feeling will go away.

Drink green tea.  Try to make the switch from coffee to green tea, ideally a non- caffeinated brand if possible. Green tea is particularly helpful for reducing body fat and weight, stimulating digestion, and preventing high blood pressure. There are many wonderful benefits of drinking green tea, but as far as weight loss goes, it simply helps the body burn fat faster and more efficiently. Green tea is better than black tea or coffee because its caffeine works in a different way. Green tea makes the body’s own energy use more efficient, thereby improving vitality and stamina without your having to experience the up-and-down effect typically experienced with caffeine. This is due to the large amount of tannins in green tea that ensure that the caffeine is taken to the brain in only small amounts, which harmonizes the energies in the body.

Don’t give in to emotional hunger. You have to learn the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger. If you feel the desire to eat, but you have just eaten within the last two hours, you may actually be looking for a way to change your mood. See if you can find something to occupy yourself for at least one hour. Set a timer and drink some water. Tell yourself that you will eat in one hour. This will set your mind at ease. Then find a way to stay occupied or a way to feel fulfilled for that hour.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

101 Tips To Lose Weight With The Green Smoothie Cleanse

Here are a few tips that will help you be successful!

Blender size will make a difference. Use a high-speed blender (around 1000 watts), such as Vitamix, Blendtec, or Nutribullet. With a high-speed blender, you should only have to blend for 30 seconds to one minute until your smoothie is creamy and smooth. However, if you have a regular blender, then plan on doubling the blending time to one to two minutes

Add protein to your shake.  Extra protein is not mandatory for this cleanse, I recommend adding one scoop of protein per day because it will help keep you feeling full longer and your metabolism revved up. The protein can make the smoothie taste slightly pasty, so try the smoothie first without it and then add the protein to see if it is palatable to you. Since you will be avoiding dairy (cow’s milk) during the cleanse, be sure you use a non-dairy, plant-based protein powder, such as rice, soy, or hemp protein, and not whey protein powder, which is made from cow’s milk. My favorite brands are RAW Protein by Garden of Life, Sunwarrior’s Protein Blend, or Rainbow Light’s Acai Berry Blast Protein Energizer. However, there are other quality options also. Other great sources of protein include hard- boiled eggs, raw or unsalted nuts and seeds, especially chia seeds or flaxseeds, and unsweetened peanut butter.

Chew your smoothies. Try to go through the chewing motion as much as possible, as the saliva in your mouth starts the digestive process. So, in as much as you can remember, try “chewing” your smoothie. This will also help minimize gas and bloating.

Expect your weight to fluctuate. While detoxing, you may gain on some days, while other days you may lose weight. This is perfectly normal. Weight fluctuates due to three things in the body: muscle, fat, and water. Muscle weighs the most—that’s why you can work out and build muscle and thereby  gain weight. But you’re actually making progress by building muscle because it will help you burn fat all day long. For women, water is the biggest culprit, due to our hormones.

Many of us gain five to ten pounds of water weight during our cycle. For some, excess salt/sodium causes water to be trapped under the tissues in the body, making us weigh more and look bloated and puffy! So don’t sweat it if your weight loss is a little up and down. When it’s up every week, week after week, then you know you have a problem! Also, look into getting a Tanita scale—it will tell you your weight and percentage of muscle, fat, and water in the body. This is helpful for people who work out!

Remove the stems from your greens. Many greens such as kale, collards, etc., come packaged without the stems, but if not, be sure to destem the stalks from all green veggies, as they alter the taste quite a bit. I like to buy my greens already destemmed.

Rotate your greens. All greens have certain types of alkaloids in them. Now, these alkaloids are in very small, unharmful amounts, but if you continually take in the same type of greens week after week, you can get a buildup of that type of alkaloid and suffer serious health issues. The easiest way to avoid this is to rotate your greens. One week, buy spinach, the next week, kale, the next week, romaine lettuce. Or you can buy two greens for one week and then two different greens the following week. The goal is to rotate different greens into your smoothies each week. There are plenty of green leafy veggies to choose from.

Use ripe fruit.  Ripe fruit is more digestible because of the live enzymes in it. If you buy it less than ripe, allow it to get ripe before you use it in the blender.
Use frozen fruit.  Feel free to use frozen fruit instead of fresh fruit. Frozen fruit is cheaper and has just as much, if not more, of the nutritional value of fresh fruit. Also, fresh fruit can go bad within a few days, but you won’t have this problem with frozen fruit

Add ice. If all your fruit is fresh, use ice in place of the water to ensure the smoothie is cold.

Make it taste good. The recipes can be slightly altered to taste. So feel free to add more ice or water if your smoothie is too thick for your taste. Also, feel free to add more stevia to sweeten, if necessary. Stevia is a natural herbal sweetener that won’t cause blood sugar spikes. You can add more fruit to sweeten as well. It’s important that the smoothie taste good to you so you will continue with the cleanse.

Drink plenty of water. Ideally, drink 64 ounces per day, as it helps to flush out toxins. If you’re drinking enough water, you will urinate frequently when you begin this detox, which is normal and a good thing!

Drink herbal and detox teas. Herbal teas are an important addition to your cleanse. Not only will herbal teas help you feel less hungry, they can also aid in the detoxification process. Good herbal teas to include are chamomile, peppermint, red tea, green tea, dandelion root, ginger, milk thistle, sarsaparilla, and ginseng. However, my favorite brand designed specifically for cleansing is a Detox Tea by Triple Leaf and Yogi brands. Be sure to add stevia to taste

Diabetics, use low-sugar fruit! People with diabetes have to closely monitor their sugar intake with each meal. The biggest concern for diabetics is the natural sugar content in green smoothies. It is recommended that diabetics or those who suffer with candida use only low-sugar fruits such as apples, grapefruits, lemons, limes, cherries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, goji berries, and blueberries. Moderate-sugar fruits include peaches, oranges, pears, apples, pomegranates, and plums.
 The high-sugar fruits are apricots, melons, kiwis, mangos, papayas, pineapples, bananas, dates, figs, raisins, and grapes. Be sure to monitor your blood sugar throughout the day to see that the numbers are stable! And, of course, get your doctor’s permission before you proceed with the cleanse.

bowel movement in over 24 hours, there are two methods to get your bowels moving.
Method 1: Use the saltwater flush (SWF), which involves drinking uniodized sea salt with water. To tolerate the taste, you can drink two teaspoons of sea salt in eight ounces of water to make it go down and then follow immediately with three more 8-ounce glasses of water. Do this first thing in the morning while you have an empty stomach, and you will have several bowel movements within thirty minutes to an hour. Method 2: One product that really works wonders at getting at the old fecal matter in your colon is Mag07, which I highly recommend. Take three to four pills at bedtime and you can look forward to a heavy bowel movement in the morning. Many of my clients use Mag07 for regular colon cleansing.

Don’t starve yourself. Be sure to snack between smoothies. This is  not  a starvation diet. Great snacks are high-protein ones, such as unsweetened peanut butter or hard-boiled eggs. You can also snack on uncooked veggies, fruits, and unsalted or raw nuts and seeds (just a handful).

Go easy on the fruit. Yes, they hide the greens, but too much fruit will spike your blood sugar, cause headaches, and give you an uncomfortable feeling under your skin. Pick a new fruit each day, or if you must, add several different fruits in very small doses. Although it’s natural sugar, your body doesn’t know the different between nature’s sugar and high fructose, other than its addictive properties! So don’t overdo it on the fruit

Detox family and friends.  Sometimes you need to detox your emotions as well as your body by withdrawing from family and friends who discourage you, tell you “you can’t do it” or “you’re not ready to do it,” blah blah blah! If there is negative talk coming from some people in your life, I would encourage you to limit the amount of time you spend with them. We all have enough negative thoughts on our own without people adding to them! Don’t gravitate to people who tell you you can’t do something. Know that when you start this cleanse, you will want to give up. It’s normal. But I know that sometimes the only way to grow in life is to be uncomfortable. How else do you grow mentally, spiritually, and physically? When you cheat or mess up, it’s no big deal. I guarantee you that if you cheat a little bit one day on the cleanse, you are still eating better than you’ve been eating most days prior to the cleanse. We call that progress! You are right where you’re supposed to be on this journey! Uncomfortable, irritable, doubtful, cranky. And then one day, the joy, the energy, and the feeling of accomplishment settles in. Don’t you want that feeling?

Prepare to be uncomfortable. For the first few days, you will feel hungry and irritable. Snack until your body adjusts to less food. You can snack to get rid of the hunger. However, if you snack all day, you will not lose as much weight. But don’t worry about that. You have to focus on getting your body through this process if you stand any chance of breaking unhealthy eating habits. The body has the natural ability to maintain your ideal weight if you focus on getting healthy. As the days go on, you will want less food and will learn to eat in moderation. You are training your body to have better eating habits. So go through the process, be uncomfortable from time to time, and let your body reward you for it in the end. Many of us eat out of habit and boredom—that’s called emotional hunger, not physical hunger. This is a perfect time to learn the difference between the two.

Build a green-smoothie recipe box.  Every time you drink a smoothie, write the recipe down on an index card and give it a score on a scale of 1 to 10. That way you’ll build up a store of recipes that you love. In the Appendix and FAQs section, there is a list of websites with tons of great recipes you’ll want to try after the ten-day cleanse

Focus on getting healthy, and the weight loss will follow. If you’re doing the cleanse for fast weight loss, you’re totally missing the point! Getting on the scale every day is a waste of time. You will not lose pounds every day, and guess what, some days you may actually gain weight because your body is adjusting during the cleansing process. So prepare yourself for the journey! Don’t waste time being discouraged by the scales. Don’t let the scales become your enemy! Most folks lose between 10 and 15 pounds on the full cleanse. Sure, a few have lost less than nine, but some have lost as much as 20! However, the focus is on healthy eating and healthy living. Look at your energy level, skin, sleep, and digestion. If you focus on fast weight loss, you’ll be on a diet for life. I’m done with dieting! Ninety-five percent of people who lose weight on a fad diet gain it back in three to five years. You need to change your eating habits for life. You will re-train your taste buds to desire healthier foods. Embrace a lifestyle change where you desire and crave healthy foods, where you never have to count calories and serving sizes, and you truly won’t have to diet again! Focus on getting healthy, and the weight loss will follow.

Monday, February 19, 2018

The 10 Days of Recipes for the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

Use one recipe per day, as it will make enough for a full day’s worth of smoothies. Be careful deviating from the recipes too much until after the detox/cleanse. These recipes were designed for detox, weight loss, better energy, and mental clarity. Try to stick to them as much as you can during the detox! You’ll get better results. After the detox, get creative, add variety, and keep losing weight and getting healthy!

The unblended ingredients are about 72 ounces. Once blended, they will blend down to about 36 to 48 ounces, depending upon blender size and amount of water. Divide the total amount into thirds and drink each serving three to four hours apart or sip on the smoothie throughout the day whenever you feel hungry.

If you don’t feel like drinking the entire day’s worth of smoothie, then drink at least two of them to ensure your body gets the proper nutrition. It’s important to drink a green smoothie or snack every three to four hours to keep your metabolism revved up. You will desire less food, but you still need to give your body fuel (smoothie or snack) every three to four hours.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a full-size blender, like a Vitamix or Blendtec or something similar, the entire recipe can go into the blender at one time, as it easily holds 72 ounces of ingredients. However, if you have a smaller blender, like a Nutribullet or something similar, they hold only about 32 ounces, so you may need to divide the recipe in half and blend twice to avoid spillovers.

DAY 1: Berry Green
3 handfuls spinach
2 cups water
1 apple, cored, quartered
1 cup frozen mangos
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 handful frozen or fresh seedless grapes
1 stevia packet (add more to sweeten, if necessary)
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.

DAY 2: Apple Strawberry
3 handfuls spring mix greens
2 cups water
1 banana, peeled
2 apples, cored, quartered
1 ½ cups frozen strawberries
2 stevia packets (add more to sweeten, if necessary)
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.

DAY 3: Apple Berry
1 handful spring mix greens
2 handfuls spinach
2 cups water
1½ cups frozen blueberries
1 banana, peeled
1 apple, cored and quartered
1 packet stevia
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.

DAY 4: Berry Peachy
2 handfuls kale
1 handful spinach
2 cups water
2 apples, cored, quartered
1½ cups frozen peaches
1½ cups frozen mixed berries
2 packets stevia
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.

DAY 5: Peach Berry Spinach
3 handfuls spinach
2 cups water
1 cup frozen peaches
1 handful fresh or frozen seedless grapes
1½ cups blueberries
3 packets stevia to sweeten
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place spinach and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.

DAY 6: Pineapple Spinach
2 cups fresh spinach, packed
1 cup pineapple chunks
2 cups frozen peaches
2 bananas, peeled
1½ packets stevia
2 cups water
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place spinach and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.

Day 7: Pineapple Berry
2 handfuls spring mix greens
2 handfuls spinach
1 banana, peeled
1 ½ cups pineapple chunks
1½ cups frozen mango chunks
1 cup frozen mixed berries
3 packets stevia
2 cups water
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.

DAY 8: Spinach Kale Berry
2 handfuls kale
2 handfuls spinach
2 cups water
1 apple, cored, quartered
1 banana, peeled
1½ cups frozen blueberries
2 packets stevia
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.

DAY 9: Apple Mango
3 handfuls spinach
2 cups water
1 apple, cored, quartered
1½ cups mangoes
2 cups frozen strawberries
1 packet stevia
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place spinach and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients to blender. Blend until creamy.

DAY 10: Pineapple Kale
2 handfuls kale
1 handful spring mix greens
2 cups water
1½ cups frozen peaches
2 handfuls pineapple chunks
2 packets stevia
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powder

Place leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy

How to Do the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse ?

The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse is a truly health-transforming experience.

You can choose to do a full cleanse or a modified cleanse.

The full cleanse consists of three smoothies, snacks, and water/tea for the entire ten days. This will provide the most health and weight-loss benefits, with an expected weight loss between ten and fifteen pounds.

The modified cleanse consists of two green smoothies (one for breakfast and one for lunch), with one healthy meal for dinner, snacks, and water/tea. The one healthy meal a day may consist of a salad, sautéed veggies, fish or chicken (grilled or baked).

The modified cleanse is a good plan with tremendous health benefits from the nutrient-rich smoothies. Weight loss may not be as dramatic, but you can expect to still lose between five and ten pounds in the ten days. The modified cleanse was designed for those unwilling or unable to stick with the full cleanse for ten days. It is also great for those who are not looking to lose a lot of weight but simply detox. If you’re new to detoxing and want to gradually ease into the cleanse, this is a great option.

For either cleanse, you will avoid refined sugar, meat, milk, cheese, liquor, beer, coffee, sodas/diet sodas, processed foods, fried foods and refined carbs (white bread, pastas, donuts, etc.) during the entire ten days.

Full Cleanse Summary

  1.  DRINK SMOOTHIES: Each day, drink three green smoothies; one for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can also sip on the smoothie throughout the day as you get hungry. It is important to drink a smoothie or eat a snack every three to four hours to keep your metabolism revved up. Each  smoothie should contain about 12 to 16 ounces of liquid. Simply prepare your entire day’s worth of green smoothies in the morning and pack it up to take with you. Keep it refrigerated as much as possible.
  2.  EAT SNACKS: You may snack on apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and other crunchy veggies that are appealing to you throughout the day. Other high-protein snacks include unsweetened peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, and raw or unsalted nuts and seeds (only a handful).
  3. DRINK WATER AND DETOX TEA: Drink at least eight glasses of water (64 ounces) per day, and drink detox or herbal teas as desired. Drink the detox tea first thing every morning as it aids the detox process by cleansing the detox organs—kidneys, liver, skin, etc.
  4.  KEEP BOWELS MOVING: Perform one of the two methods for colon cleansing to ensure you have one to three bowel movements per day while detoxing.  
  5. DO NOT EAT refined sugar, meat, milk, cheese, liquor, beer, coffee, sodas/diet sodas, processed foods, fried foods, refined carbs (white bread, pastas, donuts, etc.)

Modified Cleanse Summary

  1.  DRINK SMOOTHIES AND EAT ONE HEALTHY MEAL: Each day, drink two green smoothies for breakfast and lunch, and eat one healthy meal for dinner. The one healthy meal may consist of a salad, sautéed veggies, and fish or chicken (grilled or baked). Any two meals can be used for the green smoothies, as long as you only have one healthy meal per day. Each smoothie should contain about 12 to 16 ounces of liquid. Simply prepare your entire day’s worth of green smoothies in the morning and pack it up to take with you. Keep it refrigerated as much as possible.
  2.  EAT SNACKS: You may snack on apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and other crunchy veggies that are appealing to you throughout the day. Other high-protein snacks include unsweetened peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, and raw or unsalted nuts and seeds (only a handful).
  3. DRINK WATER AND DETOX TEA: Drink at least eight glasses of water (64 ounces) per day, and drink detox or herbal teas as desired. Drink the detox tea first thing every morning as it aids the detox process by cleansing the detox organs—kidneys, liver, skin, etc.
  4. KEEP BOWELS MOVING: Perform one of the two methods for colon cleansing to ensure you have one to three bowel movements per day while detoxing.  
  5. DO NOT EAT refined sugar, red meat, milk, cheese, liquor, beer, coffee, sodas/diet sodas, processed foods, fried foods, refined carbs (white bread, pastas, donuts, etc.)

How Is Blending Different From Juicing?

Juices and smoothies both have their health benefits, but I feel that in most cases, blending provides a wider range of benefits than juicing. Smoothies have more fiber, fill you up better, and are both less expensive and less time-consuming to make.

Smoothies contain whole foods with loads of fiber. In juicing, the pulp is discarded and you lose essential fiber. The main argument for those who prefer juicing is that the absence of fiber provides easy absorption of nutrients straight into the bloodstream with little digestion required, and this allows the digestive system and body to heal. But fiber is critical for slowing the passage of food through the stomach and it keeps sugars from getting into the bloodstream too quickly. This helps regulate blood sugar and aids in weight control. Consuming greens in your smoothies helps to balance blood sugar, and the high fiber content of greens helps slow carbohydrate digestion.

Smoothies are more filling than juices, leaving us full and satisfied and less likely to overeat throughout the day. This is excellent news for those who wish to lose weight. It is very easy to replace a meal with a smoothie, and many do this for breakfast every day.

Smoothies are less expensive because it takes less fruit and vegetables to make a smoothie than it does to make the same size glass of juice. When we drink green smoothies, we are filled up longer so this also prevents us from needing to buy a lot of other food throughout the day.

Blending is faster than juicing and easier to clean up afterwards. To make juice, all the fruit and vegetables must be cut up small enough to fit into the juicer and then processed one piece at a time. To make a smoothie, the fruits and veggies can go into the blender all at once. Additionally, a juicer must be taken apart to be cleaned and then put back together, which requires a lot of time and cleanup. Blenders just require rinsing, with no parts to disassemble.

 It’s also easy to add superfoods, like maca or acai berries, to blenders as they will be blended through very evenly.

the most popular greens to use in green smoothies

Arugula: Arugula is a great source of folic acid as well as vitamins A, C, and K, and provides a boost for bone and brain health. It has a zippy, peppery flavor.

Beet Greens: Beet greens are the leafy tops to the beet vegetable. They are rich in vitamin K. They are known to help improve vision, help prevent Alzheimer’s, and boost the immune system.

Bok Choy: Bok choy is a Chinese cabbage that is mild tasting and crunchy. It is full of vitamins A, C, and calcium, as well as antioxidants.

Chard (aka Swiss Chard): Chard is a green leafy vegetable that displays red stalks, leaf veins, and stems. It has a beet-like taste and a mild texture. It is known to help prevent cancers and is good for cleansing the digestive system.

Collard Greens: Collards are green leafy vegetables that are nutritionally similar to kale but chewier and with a much stronger taste. They are a superior agent for binding to bile acids throughout the digestive tract, which makes them very good at lowering cholesterol.

Dandelion Greens: Dandelion greens look like weeds in your lawn, but they are yet another great source of vitamins A and K. They help the digestion process and can help constipation issues because they are a natural laxative.

Kale:  Kale is lightweight with ruffled leaf edges. It is loaded with vitamins A, C, K, and more. It is known for lowering the risks associated with developing prostate, ovary, breast, colon, and bladder cancers.

Lettuce: Lettuce has been a popular staple in salads since the time of the Ancient Egyptians. It contains essential amino acids and vitamins. Be sure to eat lettuces with dark green leaves to get the highest nutritional value.Romaine lettuce, in particular, has high levels of vitamin C, K, and A and is a good source of folic acid.

Mustard Greens: Spicy mustard greens are effective in lowering cholesterol and provide a healthy dose of riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, and iron. They are a storehouse of phytonutrients that have many disease- preventing properties.

Parsley: Parsley is rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fiber and is known to help reduce aging and regulate blood sugar levels.

Spinach: Perhaps the most beloved green leafy vegetable of them all, spinach is mild tasting and not as bitter as other greens. Its dark green leaves really pack a punch with high levels of omega-3s, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K. When most people start drinking green smoothies, they start with spinach!

Turnip Greens: Turnip greens, although slightly bitter, are very flavorful. Turnip greens are effective at providing many numerous health benefits, but they stand out amongst other green leafy veggies in their ability to fight the development of cancerous cells.

Milder-Tasting Greens:
Baby beet greens
Baby bok choy
Butter lettuce
Carrot top greens
Romaine lettuce
Swiss chard

Stronger-Tasting Greens:
Collard greens
Dandelion greens
Mustard greens
Radish tops
Turnip greens

Ten Great Reasons to Drink Green Smoothies

NUTRIENT-RICH. The ingredients in smoothies are all raw and thus more nutritious. The extremely high temperatures often used during cooking  destroy many of the nutrients in our food. Green smoothies are loaded with beneficial vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances, phytonutrients, fiber, water, and more! They are also stuffed with chlorophyll, which is similar in structure to the hemoglobin in human blood. So drinking green smoothies is much like receiving a cleansing blood transfusion.
 WEIGHT LOSS. If you are trying to lose weight, you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that green smoothies are an excellent way to do so. They have a high water content and are filled with green leafy veggies, which you can eat in abundance and still not gain weight. They also have a high fiber content that will help you stay full and reduce cravings.
DETOXIFICATION. Our body naturally tries to eliminate toxins, but overexposure to any of them will slow down the body’s detoxification systems. The reality is that you can assist the body in detoxifying and eliminating toxins that cause weight gain and harm your health. You can and should detoxify and cleanse the body if you want to live better and live longer. After your body utilizes nutrients from the food you eat, it must dispose of the unused food particles and waste produced by the digestive process. Without proper and complete elimination, undigested food can back up and leave toxins and waste in your body. But thanks to green smoothies, you can get the fiber you need to cleanse your body, tone your digestive system, and eliminate toxins.
VIBRANT, RADIANT HEALTH. A healthy body is vibrant, full of energy and life! I believe that natural, healthy eating is the secret to inner and outer beauty. When you eat natural, raw foods, you simply look and feel better and younger. Once you eat in a manner that keeps your cells clean and healthy, you will begin to look radiant, despite your age. Human beings are designed to eat a diet primarily made up of fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. With these types of natural, healthy foods, our bodies flourish and receive all of the necessary nutrients to keep our bodies toxin-free and looking our most beautiful. When you start drinking green smoothies, one of the first places where you’ll see changes is in the quality of your skin. Healthy eating and living will remove years from your face, eliminate wrinkles, fade age spots, and give you a “second youth.” Your skin will become supple, and acne will clear up. Your eyes will become brighter and begin to sparkle. The dark circles and puffiness will diminish as will the yellowness in the whites of your eyes. On the inside of your body, your cells will become rejuvenated as well, causing your organs to function more efficiently.
EASY TO DIGEST. Green smoothies are much easier to digest and metabolize than solid food. Just because you “eat” the right amount of fruits and vegetables every day does not mean you are automatically getting all the nutrients necessary for your health and well-being. There are many people who cannot effectively digest solid whole food, so the nutrients from the food are not completely absorbed by the body. Green drinks, which are in a blended, liquid form, are far easier to metabolize. In fact, these delicious smoothies are so bio-available that their nutrients start to get absorbed by the body even while the smoothie is still in your mouth!
IMPROVED DIGESTION. Today’s standard American diet (SAD) has created numerous digestive issues such as heartburn, acid reflux, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), just to name a few. The root of most digestive issues is low production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. If enough stomach acid isn’t produced during digestion, much of the food we eat goes through the digestive tract largely undigested, creating gas, bloating, and other digestive disturbances. Once undigested food builds up as plaque on the intestinal lining, it sets the stage for disease. Processed foods, excessive gluten and proteins, fried foods, and other unhealthy fats are the main reasons behind these digestive issues. Since green smoothies are thoroughly blended, the majority of the work your digestive system would normally need to do is already done. Your body can then more easily extract the nutrients needed for optimum health.
HYDRATION: Staying hydrated gives you energy and helps ensure that your brain, muscles, digestive system, and immune system all work properly. Being dehydrated can be very dangerous. Drinking soda or coffee, eating processed foods, and smoking cigarettes all dehydrate the body. The best way to tell whether you are sufficiently hydrated is to check the color of your urine. If it is very pale, yellow, or clear, then you are properly hydrated. You do not want it to be a strong yellow color. It’s easy to forget to drink water throughout the day because of our busy, hectic lives. Manydon’t like the taste of water, but it is essential to a healthy, functioning body. to improve the taste of water, just add in fresh-squeezed lemon juice. Green smoothies allow you to rehydrate your body thanks to their  high water content.
SIMPLY DELICIOUS. The sweet taste of the fruit in the smoothie offsets the taste of the greens, making for a tasty and filling meal or snack. Many people who turn their noses up at green smoothies when they first see them become hooked after they taste them! Even children love the taste.
EASY TO MAKE. Preparation time is five minutes or less, and cleanup is quick and easy, too. If you place all of your ingredients in a plastic bag in the evening, all you’ll need to do in the morning is toss them in the blender the next morning. After you finish blending, you simply rinse the blender and it’s ready for the dishwasher. The storage, blending, and cleanup really take only five minutes a day.
UNLIMITED NUMBER OF RECIPES. There are over a hundred greensmoothie recipes inonline with which you can experiment. That means your taste buds never have to get bored. There are so many possible fruit, greens, and liquid combinations that you can literally have a different recipe for each day of the year. I keep my favorite recipes on index cards so I can use them over and over again.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Top 10 Superfoods You Need to Get into Your Diet

Nutrition is one of the most crucial pillars of health you definitely want to focus on if you’re seeking to live a long and healthy life, as it has such a profound impact on your well-being.

What you fuel and nourish your body with on a daily basis not only says a lot about the current state of your overall health, but the way it performs and survives once the going gets tough. If you’re used to eating pre-packaged processed and junk foods, which more often than not are deficient in essential nutrients and smothered with artificial chemicals, for the sake of convenience, then easily going down with a cold or infection every now and then may be a familiar scenario for you.

On the contrary, a diet of natural wholesome foods, densely packed with an array of remarkable vitamins and minerals, such as superfoods, can give you a well-nourished physique that is strong enough not only to fend off diseases, but to also help you live your life to the fullest.

To help you get started, I’ve listed down 10 of my favorit Check them out:

1. Kale (Borecole)

Probably one of the healthiest leafy green  vegetables you can munch on, kale has been around since the Roman times. Because kale is very easy to grow and even thrives during the  cold winter season, its cultivation was highly encouraged in the United Kingdom by the Dig  Victory campaign during World War II.

Some of the more popular varieties of kale include curly kale, Lacianto kale (dino kale),  red Russian kale, redbor kale, and Siberian kale. There are countless ways to enjoy kale. You can cut the smaller, paler green leaves to anchor or mix into fresh garden  salad, while the larger, dark greens are great for stir -fries, pizza topping, or soup. You  can even indulge in guilt -free kale chips!

What Makes It a Superfood?  

A single cup of kale can trump a whole week’s worth of other foods as it contains:
  • 684 percent of the daily value of vitamin K
  • 206 percent of the suggested daily amount of vitamin A
  • 134 percent of vitamin C (and even more vitamin C in the Scottish curly -leaf  variety)
Kale has been compared to beef, which is known as a “go- to” food for iron, protein, and  calcium. It has anti -inflammatory properties linked to the prevention and reversal of  certain diseases, which includes arthritis, heart disease, and several autoimmune  diseases, at levels not seen in other green vegetables.

2. Tomato  (Lycopersicon esculentum P. Miller)

A member of the nightshade family, the first species  of tomato plants originated in the South American  Andes, although its use as a food was initiated by the  Mexicans and was spread all throughout the world  during the Spanish colonization.

There are over a hundred of varieties of tomato – tiny types like grape, plum, and cherry  for snacking pleasure; firm, petite Romas good for cooking; and hefty beef steak, ideal  for BLTs and burgers. These plump mouthwatering superfoods can be used in many  ways: sun -dried, fried green, stew, sauce, paste, ketchup, juice, Bruschetta, veggie  soup, pizza, salsa, salad... the list goes on and on.

What Makes It a Superfood?

Tomatoes are rich in flavonoids and other phytochemicals that have anti -carcinogenic  properties. One of them is lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant that gives fruits and  vegetables like tomatoes and watermelons a pink or red color. More powerful than other  carotenoids, lycopene may significantly reduce your risk of stroke and prostate cancer.
Other lesser known phytonutrients found in tomatoes include:
  • Flavonols: rutin, kaempferol,  and  quercetin
  • Flavonones: naringenin  and  chalconaringenin
  • Hydroxycinnamic acids: caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and  coumaric acid
  • Glycosides: esculeoside A
  • Fatty acid derivatives: 9- oxo -octadecadienoic acid
In daily value, tomatoes provide 38 percent vitamin C, 30 percent vitamin A, and 18
percent vitamin K – minus  the fat and cholesterol. 
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3.  Artichoke (Cynara scolymus)

Artichoke is a perennial thistle and is a member of the  sunflower family of vegetables. First cultivated in the  Mediterranean region, artichokes became scarce  after the fall of the Roman Empire. They made a  comeback in Italy in the 1500s, and then appeared  in  the Americas after introduction by French and  Spanish gardeners. As of today, California is the  largest producer of artichokes in the US.

Some popular types and varieties of artichokes include:
  • Globe artichokes
  • Elongated artichokes
  • Purple baby anzio
  • Oblong siena
  • Fiesole artichoke
  • Chianti
Artichokes can either be steamed and served with a dipping sauce, stuffed with all kinds  of savory ingredients like vegetables, lightly steamed then grilled, mixed into salads,  and added in stews and other hot dishes.

What Makes It a Superfood?

Artichokes are a good source of fiber, as it supplies at least 28 percent of the  recommended daily value. Aside from helping you move waste out of your system  regularly, fiber can help also:
  • Lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels
  • Prevent inflammation and protect heart health
  • Reduce your lipoprotein or "bad" cholesterol levels
The cynarin in artichokes increases bile production in your liver, which in turn eliminate  bad cholesterol from your body. It also offers 25 percent of the daily requirement of  vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, which provides antioxidant action to protect cells from  damaging free radicals. Vitamin C also supplies collagen to help wounds heal quickly  and protects the body from disease by helping it absorb iron.

4. Acai berries  (Euterpe oleracea)

Acai (pronounced ah- sigh -ee) berries looks like an  offspring of a grape and a blueberry with a taste reminiscent of wild berries and chocolate. These tiny,  reddish- purple drupes consist of a cluster of seeds,  with only 15 percent or so being edible. Native to  South America, acai berries are harvested from the  tall, slender palm trees found at the basin of the  Amazon River.

Although acai berries can be found in  large supermarkets and health food stores around  the globe, they’re only available as a juice or tea rather than fresh fruits. Because  they’re highly perishable, getting acai berries out of the Amazon with their nutrients still  intact is nearly impossible.

As a food, acai pulp in the tribal Amazon belt is often blended with the starchy root  vegetable manioc and eaten as porridge.

What Makes It a Superfood?

Acai is known for its extraordinary antioxidant properties similar to cranberries, but  many times more than what is found in blueberries and strawberries. As a matter of fact,  the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) values measuring the antioxidant  power of acai fruit pulp/skin powder reportedly have the highest ORAC value among  fruits and vegetables, or 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes.

This is why it’s not surprising to find that acai berries may help treat:
Diarrhea                                    Parasitic infections
Hemorrhages                            Ulcers
Erectile dysfunction                 Inflammation
Arthritis                                   Allergies

Acai berries are low in fructose, but contain excellent amounts of iron, calcium, fiber,  and vitamin A. They also contain anthocyanin compounds, such as resveratrol,  cyaniding, and ferulic acid, which not only give fruits and vegetables their distinct color,  but also team up with flavonoids to defend your body against harmful free radicals. In  fact, acai berries offer 10 to 30 times more anthocyanin power than red wine.

5. Broccoli (Brassica)

Broccoli is perhaps the most popular member of the  cruciferous group of vegetables. The word “broccoli”  means “branch” or “arm” for the cross -shaped stems,  like mini trees bearing the blossoms.

A valuable vegetable that’s loved by the ancient  Romans, broccoli once grew wild on the shores of the  Mediterranean Sea. Its  use can be traced to 16th  century France and England in the 1700s, with commercial growth beginning in the US  in the 1920s.

While there are many ways to prepare and enjoy this superfood – it can be steamed,  roasted, baked, sautéed, or stir -fried  – broccol i is best eaten raw, as cooking tends to  destroy some of its antioxidant components.

What Makes It a Superfood?

Broccoli has twice the vitamin C of an orange, almost as much calcium as whole milk  (with a better rate of absorption), and offers anti -cancer and anti -viral properties with its  selenium content. Just one cup of broccoli provides over 100 percent of your daily need for vitamin C and vitamin K, and is also a good source of vitamin A, folate, and  potassium.

Some of the most sought -after health benefits of broccoli include:
  • Anti -cancer
  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Improved digestion and natural detoxification
  • Cardiovascular support
  • Protection from chronic diseases
  • Enhanced bone health

6. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

Considered the most widely cultivated vegetable in  the world, cucumber is technically a fruit from the Cucurbitaceae family of gourds, alongside different  varieties of pumpkins and melons. Cucumber offers a refreshing flavor that blends beautifully with ot her  fruits and vegetables.

It originated in the Mediterranean and was brought to the Americas by European explorers in the 1500s. There are dozens of cucumber  varieties thriving in both cool and warm climates, but three of the most prevalent ones  are slicing, pickling, and burpless.

To get cucumbers into your diet, you can try pickling them or adding them to your  salads, juices, and other cooked recipes. Infusing your water with slices of cucumber is  another must-try.

What Makes It a Superfood?

Grown wild throughout India, cucumbers are used as a traditional medicine to treat headaches. The seeds have found a niche as a diuretic, and the juice is used as an  acne cream and a soothing remedy for tired, puffy eyes. These early uses led scientists to investi gate cucumber fruit, seeds, and extracts as an effective treatment in other  areas of medicine.

Although it’s actually 90 percent water, cucumber doesn’t skimp on nutritional value.It’s
an excellent source of:
  • Anti-inflammatory vitamin K
  • Infection-fighting vitamin C
  • Energy -producing pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
  • Bone- building manganese
  • Heart-healthy potassium and magnesium
Recent studies also reveal that cucumbers also have lignans, the unique polyphenols in crucifers and alliums, such as cabbage and onions , known to lower heart disease risk.  In cucumbers, these powerful lignans bind with estrogen- related bacteria in the  digestive tract, contributing to a reduced risk of several cancers, including breast,  uterus, ovarian, and prostate cancers. Other phytonut rients in cucumbers called  cucurbitacins  – part of a larger group known as triterpenes – are also known to strongly inhibit cancer cell development

7.  Avocado (Persea Americana)


Avocado is a cousin to cinnamon, camphor, bay  laurel, and other members of the Lauraceae family.  Spanish conquistadors had their own historian,  Oviedo, who reported positively about avocados discovered in Mexico around 1519. But this interesting fruit has graced Central and South  America for perhaps 10,000 years, according to the  avocado-inspired drawings and artifacts found in  early Aztec settlements.

A judge from Santa Barbara took the first Mexican avocado trees to California in 1871.  California now grows 90 percent of the US avocado crop in more than 6,000 groves.

What Makes It a Superfood?

When it comes to nutrition, avocados are a different breed, because of the extraordinarily huge quantity of benefits they offer. Loaded with fiber, a single avocado  contains:
  • 36 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin K
  • 30 percent for the folate
  • 20 percent each of the daily requirements for vitamins B5, B6, C, and potassium
 More importantly, avocado is one of the few fruits that will provide you with "good" fats ,  which m eans it can help keep your cholesterol levels already in the healthy range and help lower your risk for heart disease

8. Sprouts

Sprouts are the edible germinated seeds of flowers, beans, legumes, vegetables, or grains. Sprouts deserve to be called a superfood not only because  they can be grown effortlessly and inexpensively, but  also because they contain exceptional amounts of  vitamins and minerals, sometimes way beyond what a mature plant can offer.

This is because when sprouting seeds, nuts, beans, and grains you get:
  • Higher amounts of vitamins and enzymes
  • Increased essential fatty acid and fiber content
  • Increased bioavailability of minerals and protein
A rising superstar in the raw food community, sprouts are typically eaten raw and added in salads, juices, sandwiches, and other recipes.

What Makes It a Superfood?

Despite their size, sprouts should never be underestimated. These little edibles are a  powerhouse of nutrients. For instance, sunflower sprouts and pea shoots are known to be up to 30 times more nutritious compared to organic vegetables.

Here are a few more sprout options you can choose from and some ofthe nutrients they have in store for you:
  • Alfalfa - vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, and K
  • Wheatgrass  - vitamins B, C, and E
  • Mung bean – protein, fiber, and vitamins C and A
  • Lentil sprouts – 26 percent protein and can be eaten without cooking
  • Brussels sprouts –  fiber, manganese, potassium, choline, B vitamins, antioxidants, and other health- promoting phytochemicals 

9. Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil is the edible oil extracted from the white meat of mature coconuts. It is most commonly used in many tropical countries, particularly in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the Philippines, where coconut trees thrive well. Because of the coconut’s innumerable health and wellness boons, coconut oil and other coconut products, such as coconut water, are gaining popularity in the West.

Aside from being an ideal oil to use in all forms of cooking and baking (because it can withstand high temperatures without being damaged like many other oils), coconut oil can also be drizzled over salads, added in coffee or vegetable juices, or taken as is once or twice daily

What Makes It a Superfood?

Coconut oil is an ideal replacement for non- vegetable carbohydrates, because it is comprised of medium -chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are easily digested and readily cross cell membranes. These MCFAs are immediately converted by your liver into energy rather than being stored as fat.

Coconut oil also has potent antimicrobial properties, which make it a powerful destroyer of all kinds of microbes, from viruses, to bacteria, to protozoa. Coconut oil also helps:
  • Promote heart health
  • Support proper thyroid function
  • Promote healthy brain function
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Provide an excellent "fuel" for your body
  • Support a strong metabolism that can aid in weight loss
  • Maintain healthy and youthful looking skin

10. Homemade Bone Broth 

Bone broth is made  with bones and sometimes a small amount of meat adhering to the bones of different kinds of animal meat  – whether it’s beef,  pork, chicken, or fish. It’s typically simmered for a significant period of time, which can sometimes even go beyond as 24 hours, to produce a gelatinous soup.  Basically, the more gelatinous the bone broth, the more nourishing it tends to be. The collagen that leaches out of the bones when slow-cooked is one of  the key ingredients that make broth so healing.

A timeless superfood, according to Dr. Kaayla Daniel, vice president of the Weston A.  Price Foundation and co- author (with Sally Fallon Morell) of the book Nourishing Broth ,  bone broth goes back to the Stone Age, when they were actually cooking broth in turtle  shells and in skins over the fire. The great Greek physician Hippocrates was also known  to be a big believer in its benefits.

Today, Los Angeles Lakers player Kobe Bryant is among those who swear by bone  broth and who believes it has kept his NBA career sustainable, having it as a foundation  of his pre- game meals. "I've been doing the bone broth for a while now. It's great [for]  energy and inflammation. It's great," the NBA star reportedly said in one of his  interviews with ESPN.

What Makes It a Superfood?

Bone broth contains a variety of valuable nutrients of which many Americans are usually  lacking, in a form your body can easily absorb and use, such as:
  • Calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals
  • Components of collagen and cartilage
  • Silicon and other trace minerals
  • Components of bone and bone marrow
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate
  • The "conditionally essential" amino acids proline, glycine, and glutamine
 Still not convinced? These additional health perks brought by bone broth might change  your mind:
  • Reduces joint pain and inflammation
  • Inhibits infection caused by cold and flu viruses
  • Fights inflammation
  • Promotes strong, healthy bones
  • Promotes healthy hair and nail growth




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Friday, February 16, 2018

What Is the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse?

The Green Smoothie Cleanse is a ten-day detox/cleanse made up of green leafy veggies, fruit, and water. Green smoothies are filling and healthy, and you will enjoy drinking them. Your body will also thank you for drinking them. You can expect to lose some weight, increase your energy levels, reduce your cravings, clear your mind, and improve your digestion and overall health. It is an experience that will change your life if you stick with it!

Most common health improvements after the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse:
  • Weight loss (most lose 10–15 pounds when they stick to the regimen)
  • Increased energy
  • Mental clarity
  • Better sleep
  • Reduced cravings
  • Better digestion
  • Less bloating

Why Detox/Cleanse the Body?

There are many factors that contribute to weight gain, and the one that is most overlooked by traditional diets is excess toxins in the body. When the body is overloaded with toxins, it transfers energy away from burning calories to work harder to detoxify the body. In other words, the body does not have the energy to burn calories. However, when the body is efficiently getting rid of toxins, the energy can be used to burn fat.

Simply put, traditional diets so often don’t work because they don’t address the toxic waste in the body. Counting calories does not detoxify and cleanse the body. Weight loss won’t be permanent if your body’s systems are sluggish or impacted with waste matter or toxins. You must first rid your body of toxins to ensure that your body can best metabolize the food you eat without leaving excess waste, which results in weight gain.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of excess toxins in the body:
bloating, constipation, indigestion, low energy, fatigue/brain fog, depression, weight gain, chronic pain, infections, allergies, headaches, and gut/digestion problems.

 Do You Need to Detox/Cleanse? Take this Self-Assessment Quiz!

Take this quiz to determine whether you have toxic overload in your body leading to weight gain and poor health.
Read each question and give yourself one point for every “yes” answer.

Do you crave sweets, bread, pasta, white rice, and/or potatoes?
  • Do you eat processed foods (TV dinners, lunchmeats, bacon, canned soup, snack bars) or fast foods at least three times a week?
  • Do you drink caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea more than twice daily?
  • Do you drink diet sodas or use artificial sweeteners at least once a day?
  • Do you sleep less than eight hours per day?
  • Do you drink less than 64 ounces of good, clean water daily?
  • Are you very sensitive to smoke, chemicals, or fumes in the environment?
  • Have you ever taken antibiotics, antidepressants, or other medications?
  • Have you ever taken birth control pills or other estrogens, such as hormone replacement therapy?
  • Do you have frequent yeast infections?
  • Do you have “silver” dental fillings?
  • Do you use commercial household cleaners, cosmetics, or deodorants?
  • Do you eat non-organic vegetables, fruits, or meat?
  • Have you ever smoked or been exposed to secondhand smoke?
  • Are you overweight or do you have cellulite fat deposits?
  • Does your occupation expose you to environmental toxins?
  • Do you live in a major metropolitan area or near a big airport?
  • Do you feel tired, fatigued, or sluggish throughout the day?
  • Do you have difficulty concentrating or focusing?
  • Do you suffer bloating, indigestion, or frequent gas after eating?
  • Do you get more than two colds or the flu per year?
  • Do you have reoccurring congestion, sinus issues, or postnasal drip?
  • Do you sometimes notice you have bad breath, a coated tongue, or strong- smelling urine?
  • Do you have puffy eyes or dark circles under your eyes?
  • Are you often sad or depressed?
  • Do you often feel anxious, antsy, or stressed?
  • Do you have acne, breakouts, rashes, or hives?
  • Do you have less than one bowel movement per day and/or get constipated occasionally?
  • Do you have insomnia or trouble getting restful sleep?
  • Do you get blurred vision or itchy, burning eyes?


The higher your score, the greater the potential toxic burden you may be carrying and the more you may benefit from a detoxification and cleansing program.
  •  If you scored 20 or higher: You will significantly benefit from detoxifying your body, which could lead to weight loss and improved health and vitality. It is strongly recommended that you look into different ways to detoxify the body.
  • If you scored between 5 and 19: You will  likely benefit from a detoxification program for improved health and vitality.
  • If you scored below 5: You might actually be free of toxic overload in the body and living a very healthy, toxin-free life. Good for you!
Although our bodies have the ability to eliminate toxins, it’s when the body gets overloaded with toxins that it stores them in fat cells. Fat cells don’t get broken down very easily, so they literally weigh down the body and make it bigger. As toxins accumulate, we begin to experience health problems like allergies, migraines, major diseases, and fatigue/low energy.

The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse is a truly health-transforming experience.
Here is how you do it:
  1.   Each day you drink up to 60 ounces of green smoothies per day. Simply prepare your entire day’s worth of green smoothies in the morning and pack it up to take with you. Keep it refrigerated as much as possible. Drink one- third every three to four hours throughout the day or sip on the smoothie as you get hungry.You may snack on apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and other crunchy
  2. veggies throughout the day. Other high-protein snacks include unsweetened peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, and raw or unsalted nuts and seeds (only a handful).
  3. Drink at least eight glasses of water (64 ounces) per day as well as detox or herbal teas, as desired.
  4. Perform one of the two methods for colon cleansing, as needed
  5. DO NOT CONSUME refined sugar, meat, milk, cheese, liquor, beer, coffee, sodas/diet sodas, processed foods, fried foods, refined carbs (white bread, pastas, donuts, etc.)

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